South Miami Hospital Re-Roofing Project

cbeecherBuilding Envelope, Roofing

South Miami Hospital Roof

GCI has recently signed on with Array Architects to provide building envelope consulting services for the design and development of the Pavilion renovations re-roof project at South Miami Hospital, project location in 6200 SW 73rd Street, South Miami


The 11,000 square foot subject roof tops a seven story building and is one of approximately 14 patient, clinical and facility buildings on the property foot print.  The proposed roof system is to be designed in accordance with the current Florida Building Code with an owner specified 190 mph wind speed factor calculated as an enclosed building.  Project location is 6200 SW 73rd Street, South Miami.


Our client is Array Architects of Boca Raton. GCI’s senior roofing consultant going on ten years is Sam Chiodo, RRO.  Chiodo will manage the project on behalf of GCI, including participation in system development; review of documents, specifications and submittals; along with providing quality assurance inspections.


GCI and Array recently had a productive kickoff meeting where we discussed manufacturer candidate re-roof systems and system categories.  Array Architects will provide an initial systems matrix for further development as we move forward.

by Sam Chiodo, RRO