If you are an attorney, you understand that cases begin as fact-finding missions. You must first understand what the claims are and how they affect your client.
Before you set foot in a courtroom, the entire case needs to be reviewed and rehearsed. This is where a professional claims analysis becomes important. Services that you can typically expect from a professional claims analysis are listed below:
1. Review of written or oral reports. An expert in the field of your case can professionally review reports and identify areas that are accurate, as well as areas that need to be addressed.
2. Perform physical inspections. Experts are able to review claim sites and compare findings with those listed in the reports.
3. Review your documents. Professionals with experience in the field can review your side of the case and address any potential deficiencies.
If you are in need of claims analysis in regard to indoor air quality, building envelope, or moisture and mold remediation, GCI Consultants, LLC offers a team of experts who can provide the professional services you need. Call GCI Consultants, LLC today at 561-689-0055 to discuss your litigation needs.